After several failed attempts to build an FM Crystal Radio with a diode detector, a dual-gate mosfet version was tried out but also in vain.
The mosfet used was a 3N187 from the junk box.
FM Crystal Radio - Schematic |
Now at a dead end, powering it up with a rundown 1.5 V button cell was the only way out. And it sprang to life!
Pseudo FM Crystal Radio - Schematic |
A number of local stations were received.
Pseudo FM Crystal Radio |
Notwithstanding the problems of hand effects and oscillations, it was music to my ears.
Pseudo FM Crystal Radio - Final schematic |
The 330 μH moulded inductor was a later addition that solved the oscillation problem.
Pseudo FM Crystal Radio - Inside view |
The factors contributing to my failure in building a real FM Crystal Radio could be the distance of the transmitters (6 km away as the crow flies) and their low power rating (1 to 10 kW).